Magic City (10/17/2024), Rehearsal. Crayons by doblespiral on red paper.
Ciudad Mágica (11/18/2024), 14th Street. Crayones de doblespiral sobre papel rojo.
Magic City (10/18/2024), 14th Street. Crayons by doblespiral on red paper.
Magic City (10/18/2024), 14th Street. Crayons by doblespiral on red paper.
Magic City (10/15/2024), waterfront. Crayons by doblespiral on red paper.
Ciudad Mágica
ciudad mágica es un portal de percepción interespecie. Deteniéndose a observar con todo el cuerpo, a lo largo de 3 días, transitamos 14th street desde la pausa, inter conectándonos con todo lo vivo a través del cuidado mutuo y del sentir colectivo. En el movimiento agitado de la ciudad nos preguntamos: cómo nos estamos relacionando? que nos hace frenar? encuadramos la calle como un sitio de afecto?. Tomando la vereda, desde ciudad mágica nacen gestos colectivos que trazan un mapa que nos guía y nos devuelve hacia la inherente necesidad de encuentro.
Ciudad Mágica formo parte del festival de Art in Odd Places, CARE, 2024. Art in Odd Places (AiOP) presenta arte visual y escénico en espacios públicos inesperados. AiOP organiza un festival anual a lo largo de la calle 14 en Manhattan, Nueva York, desde la Avenida C hasta el río Hudson cada octubre.
Magic City
ciudad mágica (magic city) is a portal of interspecies perception. Stopping to observe with the whole body, over the course of 3 days, we walk along 14th Street with pause, interconnecting with everything that is alive, through mutual care and collective feeling-thinking. Along the hectic movement of the city we ask ourselves: how are we relating? What makes us stop? Do we see the street as a place of affection? Taking the sidewalk, ciudad mágica gives birth to collective gestures that draw a map that guides us and returns us to the inherent need for encounter.
Magic City was part of the Art in Odd Places , CARE, 2024. Art in Odd Places (AiOP) presents visual and performance art in unexpected public spaces. AiOP also produces an annual festival along 14th Street in Manhattan, NYC from Avenue C to the Hudson River each October.
Every piece concludes with a detailed description of interspecies care observed through the drawing exercise. AiOP took place in October 18-20 2024, New York City. 14th Street from Avenue A to the Hudson River.
Tools are a central part of Magic City. Made with branches rescued from the street, the crayons contain organic pigments and essential oils. Their aromas and natural materials attract the participation of bees and other species that approach curious about the aromas, colors, and textures of the crayons. Designed and made by doblespiral. October, 2024.
María & Lucía creating Magic City, October, 2024.
María & Lucía documenting Magic City, October, 2024.
Magic City zine, October, 2024.
Magic City at the pier, October, 2024.